Welcome to KOTI!

Check-in Instructions:

Directions to KOTI: 5961 Oslo St, Williamsburg, MI

Check-in is at 4:OOpm. Please do not attempt to make entry prior to your check-in time.

For the specific address associated with your reservation, check out our property map, CLICK HERE.

Parking is free and located adjacent to your cabin on Oslo Street. One spot is allocated per reservation. Additional parking is available at the KOTI office.

There is no need to come by the KOTI Office, a code for the door lock to your cabin will be provided to you via email or the software that you made your reservation (AirBNB, VRBO, etc.). You must swipe your hand over the lock to be able to see the numbers on the keypad. Also, please ensure to press the “check mark” after the code is entered. (see video demonstration below if desired)

To lock your door, swipe your hand over the keypad on your way out and the door will lock behind you. Wait for the audible lock and check to make sure it did so. The door will also attempt to automatically lock after 3 minutes of unlocking.

If you have any trouble with entry, please double check that you are at the correct cabin and that you are typing in the code provided followed by a check mark. Additionally, you must wait for the lock cycle to complete otherwise it’ll bind-up.

If arriving after 5:00pm and any assistance is anticipated, please reach out during business hours ahead of time to ensure we can respond promptly.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out—the preferred method is email.

Video on Keyless Entry Lock